Our Work

Sawiyan has led a number of grassroots driven initiatives aimed at supporting marginalized refugees living in Jordan. To date, Sawiyan has developed and sustains work devoted to:



Through focused campaigning and reporting we carry out focused advocacy raising the profile of issues and need of those we serve that to aid influencers, aid funders and policy makers in Jordan and abroad.

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Trainings & Educational Programs


Sawiyan provides training in partnership with local CBO’s and our iNGO partner’s to help members of the host community and refugees themselves better organize, mobilize, and carry out charitable drives and advocacy efforts on behalf of their community’s most vulnerable.


Sawiyan in partners with the communities we serve, local CBO’s and iNGO partners to provide informal English courses for men, women, and youth as well as courses on parenting skills, mental health coping strategies, legal rights of refugees, and the resettlement process, and professional skills development. 


Community Development

Sawiyan works with the neighborhoods, community leaders where marginalized refugees live to develop community led advocacy, reporting, and anti-discrimination education, and assistance for them.


Emergency Assistance


Through referral partnerships we work to connect those who cannot afford to consistently put food on the table, are in threat of becoming homeless, or cannot consistently afford everyday living expenses to emergency assistance provided by our partner organizations.


Sawiyan follows up closely with families suffering from primary, secondary and tertiary diseases. While most of our interventions have involved the referral of these families to service providers, we occasionally connect with independent donors to assist in covering costs of especially critical cases who’s medical fees have not been covered.

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Inclusion & Anti-Discrimination

Our social inclusion projects aim to foster friendships and understanding between refugees and members from the host community. Working to break stereotypes, racism facing refugees of African origin, we cultivate and support platforms that allow these community’s to learn from each other and address issues that influence their everyday experiences, such as race and access to opportunity. Our goal is to reinforce values such as diversity, tolerance and cross-cultural education.